Thursday, 09 March 2023
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I live in Seattle and frequently get to daydreaming about moving to Texas. I like the people, the various cultures (there are five distinct cultures there as best I can tell), the Gulf, the food and the geography.
People are not so passive aggressive and they are plain speaking as a rule (not like Seattle).

The thought of liquidating 40 years of accumulated stuff, selling the house and setting up anew is traumatic and overwhelming though. But I can't help thinking that it might be worth it to get out of this lawless woke west coast city before the lemmings drive it off the cliff. My kids have already left. Good for them.

Anybody else have this problem?
Evan changed the title from Should I/Should I/Can I really? move to Texas from my very blue state? to Could I/Should I/Can I really? move to Texas from my very blue state? — 1 year ago
Evan updated the category from National Issues to National Issues — 1 year ago
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